The St. Galler Kantonalbank in Bad Ragaz supports FOOTBALL IS MORE with its Christmas donation.
"As a regionally anchored bank, SGKB takes its social responsibility seriously and supports institutions in its market area," said a statement from the bank. The bank decided to support FIM not only because of its geographical proximity. The cantonal bank has already recognised, supported and promoted the important role of sport in inclusion.
The SGKB branch in Bad Ragaz supports the commitment of our foundation with a donation of 500 Swiss francs. In addition, we will be able to draw attention to FOOTBALL IS MORE with a stand in the SGKB branch until 9 January.
We would like to thank you for your generous support.
Contribution to inclusion: Corinne Rupf, customer advisor of the St. Galler Kantonalbank, symbolically hands over a football to Cengiz Bicer, Assistant CEO of the FOOTBALL IS MORE Foundation, for the 500-franc donation.